Upcoming Events
Immanuel Game Day
Immanuel’s Outreach Committee invites you to a GAME DAY!
Join us for a day of family fun!
North Syracuse Jr. High Holiday Concert
Join us for a night in the community enjoying the music of the North Syracuse Junior High School Band
Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting
The Compassionate Friends of Central New York invites you to participate in The
Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting held officially for one hour at
7:00PM local time, the second Sunday in December. This is our opportunity to
remember together our children- and all children - who have died. Our candle
lighting ceremony is open to the public.
Please arrive by 6:45PM. Making luminaries in memory of loved ones from.
Church is handicap accessible
Please RSVP by 12/3/2024
Email: TCFofCNY@gmail.com or call 315-288-3789
Please send a JPEG picture of your child when you register by email with his/her
name, date of birth and date of death. Please include the number of family/friends
who will be attending the Candle lighting.
Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.
For further information or questions please call 315-288-3789
Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting
The Compassionate Friends of Central New York invites you to participate in The
Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting held officially for one hour at
7:00PM local time, the second Sunday in December. This is our opportunity to
remember together our children- and all children - who have died. Our candle
lighting ceremony is open to the public.
Please arrive by 6:45PM. Making luminaries in memory of loved ones from.
Church is handicap accessible
Please RSVP by 12/3/2023
Email: TCFofCNY@gmail.com or call 315-288-3789
Please send a JPEG picture of your child when you register by email with his/her
name, date of birth and date of death. Please include the number of family/friends
who will be attending the Candle lighting.
Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.
For further information or questions please call 315-288-3789
Sunday Worship
Join us Sundays at 10 am for worship.
Find us on Facebook for live stream of service https://www.facebook.com/ILCofClay